Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Malcolm X and the Civil Rights War - Free Essay Example

There are some who may argue that immediately after the end of the American Civil War and abolition of slavery, America entered in a new era of modern black slavery. One that did not see the blacks physically restrained in chains, but entangled in an era of segregation, physical and verbal attacks, lynching, and silver tongued political promises of equality. The African American Civil Rights movement has had a long and tumultuous history. However today only the Civil Right movements of the 1950s and 60s are recognized for positive gains which marked history for black citizens. Many Civil Right leaders and activists such as Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Walter Francis White, and Ella Baker put an immense amount of work into improving the lives of the African Americans in post Civil War America, yet they take a back seat to figures like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who is recognized as the public face of the Civil Rights movement. In the late 1950s a shift began . For many years the Civil Right leaders and activists sought to work within black communities and with national politicians to pass laws to ensure that the American blacks were given the same opportunities as the white man. This approach, sometimes called the top down approach, promoted the idea that through legislature and federal enforcement the American Negro could eventually achieve the same rights as his white neighbors. However, for every law passed to ensure equality including the Civil Rights Act of 1957, Voting Rights Act, and Brown vs. Board of Education, there was opposition from white citizens. Segregation and racial oppression began to rise, especially in the south. Anywhere the Civil Rights movement began to gain momentum so did crimes against blacks with majority of those crimes never investigated or prosecuted. Law makers, specially southern Democrats worked actively to make passing any bills to support the Civil Rights Movement difficult. In April 1918, Leonidas Dyer introduced H.R. 11279, an anti-lynching bill based on a draft by Albert E. Pillsbury that called for prosecution of any lynchers and included monetary restitution for the family of the victim from the county in which the crime occured in. The house bill was filibustered by southern Democrats and defeated in the south. As Civil Right leaders pushed for more federal aid, they ignored the white view of the negro social movements. Whites believed negro leadership demanded the white mans house, the white mans job, and a seats for their children in the white mans schools. The white man did not want integration, he wanted segregation. Effectively the Civil Rights era can be summed up as black progress vs. white backlash. The Civil Rights movement was pushing for government assistance and social changes that improved the lives of black Americans. However, these changes would enslave blacks to the Federal government effectively creating a welfare state. In a report titled The Negro Problem: The Case for National Action; also called the Moynihan Report written by The Assistant Secretary of Labor, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Moynihan argued that there laid a foundation of destructive ghetto culture in the black community that gave rise to the black-single-mother-families which widened the gap between the negro and other American societies. He argued that while blacks were working to achieve civil liberties by encouraging a top down approach in order to help citizens at the bottom, they were not taking care of their own social needs nor were they working toward self improvement measures that would give them better a economic future. According to Moynihans report, between 1954 and 1964 more blacks were out of work resulting in higher rates of poverty and lower education which gave rise to crime that affected the black community in a negative way. After publishing of this report, the NAACP condemned and dismissed the report as nothing but racial profiling based on inaccurate information. What Civil Rights activists and leaders ignored was that in order for the socio-economic status of Blacks to improve, they must first change the social behavior in their own community, effectively improving the black social status from the ground up, not the other way around. The top down approach utilized by the Civil Rights movement would increase the dependency of the black community to the federal government and not lessen it. The need for self reliance was overlooked in lieu of gaining social equality by working with the very people that did not see the black person as equal to himself in the first place. The inner social problems gripping the black community were not ignored or dismissed by everyone. Malcolm Xs ideology and teaching centered around the idea that social improvements were the only solution that would result in black prosperity. Born Malcolm Little, he suffered multiple family tragedies beginning at a very young age. When he was six years old, his father who was a former supporter of the early black nationalist leader Marcus Garvey, was murdered by members of The Black Legion; a white paramilitary force. Years later his mother became institutionalized after she suffered a major nervous breakdown promoting welfare officials to split and place Malcolm and his siblings into different foster homes. While in junior high, Malcolm dropped out of school because he learned that despite his aptitude for learning, he would not be able to achieve his dreams. One day in classroom he was asked by his english teacher if he thought about what career he wanted to pursue. Malcolm respond ed by saying that he would like to be a lawyer. Surprised by the response, his teacher sat Malcolm down and told him Malcolm, one of lifes first needs is for us to be realistic. Youve got to be realistic about being a nigger, a lawyer- thats no realistic goal for a nigger. Disheartened, Malcolm decided to drop out of school and started to work and move around the country. Slowly he was initiated into a life of crime and after moving to Boston to live with his half sister, he turned his efforts, anger, and focus in becoming a full-time criminal. He became a drug pusher, pimp and gang leader a perfect example of what the Moynihan Report suggested was happening in the black community. At age 19 he was arrested and convicted of burglary at a series of Boston-area homes. He was sentenced to state prison for six years. While in prison, Malcolm decided to change his life and began to use the prisons library to educate himself. He learned all he could about slavery and the past, becoming disgusted and horrified by what he learned. Followi ng the example of family members, Malcolm converted from Christianity and joined the Nation of Islam. He began to correspond with its leader, Elijah Muhammad. The Nation of Islam preached black self-reliance and empowerment and that striked and accord with Malcolm. He began to view the current black situation as nothing but the effects of post civil war modern slavery. He dropped his last name, Little, and instead adopted the letter X which stood for unknown. He believed that all blacks living in America had been given their last names by the slave masters and that not one negro living in America knew his or her true name, only his or her slave name. He also viewed the problems facing the blacks in America as a human problem and not solely a Civil Rights problem. Malcolm X could not support the strategy of the Civil Rights movement because he identified a paradox in the non-violent Civil Rights movement of Dr. King. Malcolm believed that the Civil Rights movement leaders accepted the status quo. They encouraged no retaliation in face of police brutality, intimidation, murder, and harassment as these events where everyday norm for the black man and woman living in America. He framed his view by stating: any time a shepard, a pastor, teaches you and me not to run from the white man, and at the same time teaches us not to fight the white man, hes a traitor to you and me. He labeled the Civil Rights leaders, especially Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., as nothing but the modern Uncle Tom. Placating their white master while modern slaves were beaten by the police, kept down and forced to live in segregation. It was during this time that Malcolm X also began to diverge away from the teachings of Elijah Muhammad. He began to realize that Elijah Muhammad had served the status quo more than Dr. King, by keeping Muslims praying in their house of worship and out of voting booth and Civil Rights activity. He urged his black Muslim brothers to no longer let status quo lead their actions. He urged them to get up, fight and take the fight to the agitators. As a black nationalist he believed and encouraged the black Americans to fight racial oppression, segregation and discrimination by any means necessary. Malcolm X believed that seperation was the only mean to true freedom and prosperity for the African American people and that there was a clear distinction between separation and segregation. During his speech at Michigan State University, he stated that segregation is forced upon inferiors by superiors and a segregated community is a negro community. Malcolm pointed out that even though negroes lived in separate communities, they in fact lived in a segregated community. They lived under white law, white economy, and white politics. Malcolm believed that the only solution was to rise from the bottom and push the through the top. He argued that the philosophy of black nationalism involves a re-education program in the black community in regards to economics and commerce, politics, and law, especially regarding human rights law. There are many who attribute the teachings of both Malcolm X and Dr. King to the Civil Right activity branch of W.E.B DuBois. Through my research, I now believe that Malcolms views on how to address the inner social issues plaguing the black population is more aligned with Booker T. Washingtons ideals that a bottom up approach than with DuBois top down approach. Just like Booker T., Malcolm valued education very highly and believed that economic prosperity could only be achieved for the black man, by the black man, within the black mans community. That prosperity would give the black man power to sit equally at the negotiating table without dependance on the very people that caused him harm in the first place. Over and over he argued that negros could never have civil rights in America until their human rights were first restored, and argued that we will never be recognized as citizens until we are first recognized as humans. Separation was the road to salvation and for that dream to come true, the black community had to control its economy, politics, laws and enforcement, and overall its own everything. Many who study Malcolm X and his work as a social activist often overlook the fact that he viewed the problems facing the 22 million blacks living in America not as a race problem, but as a human problem. In many of his speeches he argued that the human rights struggle was greater than the civil rights struggle. He believed that the civil rights fight kept black problems under the jurisdiction of the very people enforcing the problem. In a speech sharing his views, Malcolm stated, Civil Rights means youre asking Uncle Sam to treat you right. Human rights are something you were born with, a nd they are your God given right. To Malcolm the struggles that blacks faced in America was a war. A war against the unjust, a war against the oppressor, a war against hypocrisy and human cruelty. During the Ballot or the Bullet speech Malcolm said that he believed when black men take their case to Washington, they are in fact talking to the very criminals responsible for the crime against them in first place. To take your case into any court, to any politician, to anyone representing the very system that is crushing the soul of the black man, would not result in anything better than promises that would be riddled with so many loopholes that the end result would further bind the hands of the black man. Malcolm wanted to take Uncle Sam to court. He wanted to bring the case of the African American struggle before United Nation and the World Court just like atrocities that had been committed in Latin America, Asia, and Africa were previously brought to the World Court. He argued that on the only level that one could do so would fall under the category of human right, because Civil Ri ghts simply means youre asking the aggressor to treat you right. Later on during his pilgrimage and travel around the world, Malcolm X learned how the world saw America. Traveling throughout the Muslim world Malcolm was confronted over and over with questions about Americas racial discrimination. In his autobiography Malcolm wrote that he was astonished at the degree to which the major single image of America seemed to be discrimination. Malcolm X was one of the only Civil Right era social activist that understood the problem facing his people. He waged a war against hypocrisy and status quo by empowering his followers to stand up, become responsible for their own prosperity, fight back and never back down. He encouraged followers to defend themselves against the racial bullies and take the fight to them. Throughout history Malcolm X has been labeled and even credited as the leader of the black militant movement. His fiery speeches and belief in absolute separation and retaliation will forever mark him as an agitator. I shared this view before studying Malcolm Xs life and teachings. Malcolms violent past shaped who he became. Angry at the unfair world, angry at what he and other African Americans believed was years of broken promises, fed up with the treatment he and other blacks received every single day, and angry with the black leaders who drank tea with the very people who brought so much misery upon them. However, Malcolm was also a man of principle and great pride. Elijah Muhammad, his teacher and mentor had affairs with seven of his teenage secretaries and fathered eight children with the young women. When Malcolm learned this, he confronted Muhammad requiring him to reveal the truth to his congregation. When faced with any truth, Malcolm adapted, accepted, and acted accordingly. Some think that this was a flaw in Malcolm Xs character and labeled him a flip flopper, however he acted according to his morals and what the truth laid before him. Malcolms religion was at the heart of his beliefs and teachings. He believed that for the Blacks in America to prosper, separation and full acceptance of Islam was a must. This belief however was changed when Malcolm went on his pilgrimage to Mecca and visited with the Muslim leaders in Middle East and North Africa. In a letter to Dr. Shawarbi, Malcolm expressed his wonderment and awe at how all people from all corners of the world seem to be treated as one under Islamic Law. He wrote, There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over he world. They were of all colors, from blue-eyed blondes to black-skinned Africans, but we were all participating in the same ritual displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and the non-white. Malcolm further expressed in his letter to Dr. Shawarbi that America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. As he met with many open-minded muslim leaders he began to change his conviction. Malcolm began to believe that unification of blacks in America was possible under the Islamic flag. Malcolm believed that the Negro leaders in America must travel to all the non-white lands and meet with educated men and world leaders so that he could return home with more effective thinking and solutions to Americas racial problem. The world saw the Negro in America as confused and divided believing that if he doesnt himself know what his cause is how can he achieve what he desires? In Malcolms view, the Civil Rights War could only be won by empowering the 22 million blacks through political, economical, and social education. To be self-reliant would remove the dependency on white man and his law. Before his death, Malcolm began to spread his belief that not only blacks, but all Americans should be indoctrinated with Islam and learn from its lessons so that all could live under one nation, effectively eliminating the need for separation.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Define Alcoholism - Free Essay Example

One way to define alcoholism would be a destructive disease that enslaves people into choosing alcohol over everything. Where does alcoholism come from? Why is alcoholism such a common issue, yet most people dont know that they struggle from the addiction? Even better, what has the government done about this issue? In the early 1980s, Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, stating that it is illegal to drink under the age of 21. Ever since the law was created, there had been a drastic change in reducing the number of drunk driving and alcohol-related incidents with teenagers. In spite of, many American teenagers argue that the minimum drinking age should be lowered and that they should have the right to have a drink once in a while. Many adolescents are irresponsible and consider drinking as just a phase or fun; therefore, lowering the drinking age to 18 would only increase their risks of drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, and violent/destructive behavior. Throughout a teenagers years, a majority of them believe that to genuinely have funned they need to go to parties and have a drink or two. These are the years when many young people start experimenting with alcohol. Alcohol can be found anywhere easily. In the film, Real Life Teens: Alcohol the reporter asserts that Alcohol is everywhere in our society today from advertisements to restaurants to TV and movies. Everyone seems to be drinking. Getting it doesnt seem to be a problem (2001, 5:50). Since everyone seems to have alcohol, it makes teenagers feel the need to also drink. This is considered to be prohibited which is why many teenagers want the minimum drinking age to be lowered. When teenagers drink, they do it because of the way alcohol makes them feel, it gives them a thrill or makes them feel grown up. They also might be doing it to fit in and feel as if their part of a peer group because having friends and fitting in is significant to teenagers. Teenagers will claim that if theyre able to vote and go to war risking their lives, then they should have the power to drink alcoholic beverages. Alcohol may not seem like a drug, but its a psychoactive addictive substance that affects an individuals body, behavior, and decision-mak ing abilities. What most people may not realize is that soldiers at war dont drink for the enjoyment of it, but because they are more associated with suicidal behavior. Herberman acknowledges that High levels of alcohol use and alcohol-related problems are associated with suicide and suicidal behaviors as well as psychiatric disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. This statement does not only relate to U.S. military soldiers but also civilians proving the risk we have in todays society. The age of consent for drinking should remain at 21 to help reduce the risk of suicide and depression disorders. Compared to other countries around the world, the United States has the highest minimum drinking age. This would be another reasoning for teenagers wanting the minimum drinking age lowered. In Mexico, the drinking age is 18, and in Spain, its 16. Thinking it cant get any lower, shockingly the drinking age in Russia is none! Among all nations, Russia ranks as one of the highest consumption percentages of alcohol which isnt surprising since they have no drinking age. The alcohol consumed there contributed the country to higher risks of early death. Their life expectancy is 70.5 years compared to America which is 78.69 years. The contribution of alcohol there also brings higher rates in accidents, heart disease, and cirrhosis, among others. Russia allows drinking within any age range which is what teenagers want. Allowing the drinking age to be lowered or not have one at all would bring absolutely no good at all but only more deaths. If the age of consent for drinking was lowered down to 18, there would be more freedom and a less risk of establishing a drinking disorder as an adult. Thats what most teenagers want to believe; however, thats completely inaccurate. Carpenter did a study researching how lowering the age would affect the public health, and ended up finding shocking results. He explains that its; however, difficult to assume or estimate how many drinks would be taken if the drinking age were lowered, so he estimated the harm per drink to the person consuming the beverage. For every additional drink, an individual consumes, results in a higher increase for the risk of dying especially if underaged. Carpenter infers that If the drinking age were lowered to 18, there would be an additional 8 deaths per 100,000 person years for the 18-20 age group. Claiming that the drinking age should definitely not be lowered. The statement and research prove that by lowering the minimum drinking age, it would do more harm physically to the human body at such an extreme that it would cause yet again more deaths. The National Minimum Drinking Act has been a huge success for todays society. In the article, Minimum Drinking Age: Should the minimum drinking age in the United States remain 21?, it is noted that Supporters of the current minimum drinking age say that the higher age limit has reduced drunk driving deaths substantially, and generally makes for a safer environment. Supporting the fact that the minimum drinking age currently is helping the public health. The article also claims other ways about how the drinking act has been a success by noting that It has prevented scores of negative alcohol-related incidents in addition to car crashes, such as fights, alcohol overdoses and other types of accidents, they say, many of which never get reported and therefore are not reliably tracked. Concluding that wh en drinking is considered a topic, the discussion will mostly only be about drunk driving because the numbers of it happening are just the most measurable results we have. Other surprising alcohol-related accidents that we dont have a direct measure of which have improved since the drinking act law would be alcohol poisoning, birth defects, obesity, drownings, and falling off balconies at parties. Alcohol will affect a young developing brain more than a full-grown developed brain. It dramatically affects the brain mentally, especially if the brain is still developing. A brain isnt fully developed until around the age of 26. When young people drink, theres a higher risk of their brain not developing properly. Drinking will cause irreversible changes specifically to the area of the brain that is responsible for rational thinking. Damage to this particular area of the brain could lead to memory problems, impaired problem solving, and learning difficulties; therefore, the less alcohol consumed, the better the brain functioning. Other impacts of alcohol in teenagers would be the physical effects it can cause to the human body. When taking a drink, it increa ses the risk of an individuals health condition. Alcohol doesnt digest in the stomach it passes quickly through the bloodstream and travels to every part of the body including the brain, kidneys, lungs, and liver. It has the power to be able to damage each of those body parts we need to stay alive. Alcohol in the system will last about an hour or more depending on how much was consumed. It will last longer than most people realize, and when still under the influence of alcohol, they wont think twice about their actions. Richter attributes by claiming that Alcohol use can be particularly risky during adolescence and young adulthood, when critical components of brain development are underwaywhich are associated with the tendency to engage in risky behaviors. These risky behaviors will create consequences that could impact a childs life forever such as getting into a car crash which will either risk someone elses life, or their own with death, injury, and/or guilt. Adolescent drinking can be caused by the way a child is raised during their childhood. Teenagers who grow up with too strict or too permissive parents, tend to drink alcohol more than their peers. If a parent is too strict, the kid will feel as if he/she has no rights to do anything; therefore, when something as drinking isnt allowed, it makes them want to do it, even more, causing a higher risk of it happening. If a parent is too permissive or too easygoing, the child will feel as if they can do whatever they want, and not even feel guilty about the decision theyve just made. Cornelius supported this by predicting that Less parental involvement and acceptance were significantly related to earlier initiation of alcohol and greater drinking level in the bivariate analyses. This statement claims that parents should try to be more involved and supportive in their childs life. The parents should give the child some freedom such as hanging out with friends, but also set some rules such as no drinking and doing drugs. If parents become more encouraging and sympathetic towards their child, they could help prevent their child from drinking underage and staying healthy. By having a prevention program for all urban and suburban high schools such as the RRR, can help decrease alcohol use for adolescents. The RRR stands for Refuse, Remove, and Reasons. Michelle did a study where she had two groups: the RRR group, and the comparison group. The comparison group was the group of participants that werent part of any program between the age of 14 and 19. After a few months of this study, Michelle determines that there was a significant finding for reducing days getting drunk from alcohol for the RRR group compared with the comparison groupthe comparison groups getting drunk from alcohol increased over time and the RRR groups decreased. The capability for the RRR group to be able to reduce adolescents drinking consumption creates a strong argument to keep and have more prevention programs in high schools. If teenagers arent prevented from drinking and begin drinking underage they raise the risk of future alcohol addiction problems. Alcoholism is the cruelest form of alcohol abuse in which the individual becomes dependent on alcohol to be able to function. Side effects include slowed reaction times, slowed brain activity, slurred speech, disruption of sleep patterns, and changes to vision (blurriness). Addiction develops more rapidly to a teenager than to an adult. A teenager will take about 6 to 8 months to get addicted, while an adult will take about 5 years. People who begin to crave alcohol and start to become dependable eventually produce a tolerance to it, so to get the same effect, they need to drink more than usual. This can quickly become a habit which then creates an alcoholic. Alcohol has been a huge issue in America for decades of time, and still to this day is an issue we have. In spite of, by having the National Minimum Drinking Act created back in the 1980s, it has most definitely changed todays society tremendously. Over time with research done by experts, there have been finding ways to help prevent and reduce the number of adolescents drinking. Ways would be by having prevention programs and by parenting the right way. Many teenagers continue to argue about lower the drinking minimum age because they believe theyre responsible enough. Notwithstanding, with the facts and statistics of how it can impact an individual and the public health, proves it to them that the consequences are not worth it. Works Cited Carpenter, Christopher, and Carlos Dobkin. The Minimum Legal Drinking Age and Public Health. Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 25, no. 2, Spring 2011, pp. 133156. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1257/jep.25.2.133. Cornelius, Marie D., et al. Adverse Environmental Exposures During Gestation and Childhood: Predictors of Adolescent Drinking. Substance Use Misuse, vol. 51, no. 10, Aug. 2016, pp. 12531263. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3109/10826084.2016.1162812. Accessed 13 Nov. 2018. Herberman Mash, Holly B., et al. Alcohol Use and Reasons for Drinking as Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior in the U.S. Army. Military Medicine, vol. 181, no. 8, Aug. 2016, p. 811. EBSCOhost, doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-15-00122. Accessed 13 Nov. 2018. Hospital, Michelle M., et al. Developing an SMS Intervention for the Prevention of Underage Drinking: Results From Focus Groups. Substance Use Misuse, vol. 51, no. 2, Feb. 2016, pp. 155164. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3109/10826084.2015.1073325. Accessed 13 Nov. 2018. Minimum Drinking Age: Shou ld the minimum drinking age in the United States remain 21? Issues Controversies, Infobase Learning,12 May 2006, Accessed 13 Nov. 2018. Real Life Teens: Alcohol. Films Media Group, 2001, Accessed 24 Nov. 2018. Richter, Linda, et al. Underage Drinking: Prevalence and Correlates of Risky Drinking Measures among Youth Aged 12-20. The American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse, vol. 42, no. 4, July 2016, pp. 385394. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3109/00952990.2015.1102923. Accessed 13 Nov. 2018.